device-width Detector

View source to see media queries. Detected as follows (if blank, resolution is not on the list):

Seeing device-width of 240px or less. Time to upgrade!

Seeing device-width of 320px. Time to upgrade!

Seeing device-width of 360px. Time to upgrade!

Seeing device-width of 480px. Not too bad for 2011.

Seeing device-width of 540px. Not too bad for 2011.

Seeing device-width of 640px. Not too bad for 2011.

Seeing device-width of 800px. WVGA?

Seeing device-width of 854px. Droid?

Seeing device-width of 960px. qHD?

Seeing device-width of 1080px. HD?

Seeing device-width greater than 1080px. Rockin!

Copyright © 2013 Jefferson Scher. Updated 8/16/2013.